What about implementing Mixed-Member Proportional Representation (MMPR) in Canada?

“In March 2004 the Law Commission of Canada proposed a system of [MMPR], with only 33% of MPs elected from regional open lists, for the Canadian House of Commons but Parliament’s consideration of the Report in 2004–5 was stopped after the 2006 election.

“A proposal to adopt [MMPR] with closed province-wide lists for elections to the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island was defeated in a referendum in 2005.

“In 2007 the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform in Ontario, Canada, also recommended the use of [MMPR] in future elections to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, with a ballot similar to New Zealand’s, and with the closed province-wide lists used in New Zealand but with only 30% compensatory members.  A binding referendum on the proposal, held in conjunction with the provincial election on 10 October 2007, saw it defeated.” — Electoral Reform Initiatives in Canadian Provinces, Library of Parliament, Mixed Member Proportional Representation, Wikipedia

(For Canada under the current distribution order (2013), there are 338 geographic constituencies.  Under the Law-Commission-proposal with this same total number of seats, we would have 226 (geographic) constituecies, and 112 party-list seats.)

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